Data flow on the shell

Mar 22, 2019
[ bash , linux , shell ]


If you've ever spent more than two seconds on anything resembling a Unix shell - bash and friends - you've probably used a pipe. Basically a shell pipe, represented by the bar character (|) on a keyboard, is a way of connecting the output of one command to the input of another. Here's one example taken from my shell history that changes all the .txt (text) files in the current and sub directories to .md (markdown) files:

find . -type f -name '*.txt' | rename .txt .md


Taking the idea of controlling the input/output of a program further is redirection. It uses the less-than and greater-than symbols (< and >) which control where input comes from and where output goes to respectively. Compared to the relative simplicity of the pipe operator, redirection is somewhat overloaded. For example cat file1.txt file2.txt >> file3.txt would append the contents of file1.txt and file2.txt to file3.txt while cat file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt would overwrite what was in file3.txt prior to running this command.

What's particularly useful for our purposes is the ability to use it with code blocks. More specifically while, for and, if/then blocks. The example below prints out the character count and upper-cased version of each line of a file. It's not a very practical example but bear with me a little.

while read -r line
  echo -n "${#line}: " # expands to length of the variable line
  echo "$line" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'
done < data.txt

Process Substitution

One drawback of pipelines is they only work when programs use the standard streams for input and output and not when they only accept files. Process substitution lifts this restriction by creating files in /dev/fd/ to pass around the output of a process/program. The syntax is <(command), note the lack of space between the < and (, this is significant.

Why is this useful? Before we get to that let's recap what we've seen so far:

  • Output from a process can be captured and sent somewhere else
  • That somewhere else can be a code block like a while loop
  • Code in the loop proceeds with processing as normal

Combine all these and you get a concise solution to an otherwise tricky problem.

The Problem

I have a bunch of notes as plain markdown files that I keep synced between my computer and phone with syncthing. Overtime the files have accumulated and become disorganized. I recently decided to try and fix this. Using ranger, I am able to group the files into directories with related content. However, there's still a bunch of files that although have descriptive filenames, would be better organized in a single file under different headings.

The Solution

I tried a couple of different approaches all of which were either too clunky or didn't do exactly what I wanted. Eventually I was able to figure out the following:

cd ~/notes/some/dir
while read -r name
  echo "## $(basename $name)" >>
  cat "$name" >>
  echo -e "\n\n" >>
done < <(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f)

Let's walk-through what's happening:

  • Change into the directory containing the files
  • Run find which gathers the names of all the regular files in the current directory only (-maxdepth 1).
  • Pass the names into the while loop using process substitution and redirection as we have seen is possible.
  • Read each filename into a variable name available in the while loop's body.
  • Write a level 2 markdown header into the output file (using >> for appending).
  • Write the contents of the file name to the output file (again appending is necessary).
  • Add newlines to delimit the different items.

The end result is a single file with content under relevant headings all without tedious copy-pasting or complicated code :). How would you have done it?
