Tips For An Improved Arch Linux Experience

Sep 30, 2020
[ linux ]

1. Fallback Kernel and Firewall

Arch Linux follows a rolling release model meaning that a lot of the packages on the official repositories are fairly recent. This is great since you can get updates quickly but you may also end up with software with some yet to be discovered bugs. Since this can leave you with an unbootable system, it's a good idea to have a backup plan. For the case of the kernel it's as simple as installing a secondary kernel. The exact command is:

sudo pacman -Syu <alternative-kernel>

<alternative-kernel> may be any of the officially supported kernels but I would recommend linux-lts which is the longterm support version and is generally considered to be more stable. You can boot into an alternative kernel by choosing the relevant option in the GRUB menu when your computer is starting.

Although it is mentioned in the General Recommendations of the Arch Wiki - which everyone should read at least once - not many people take the time to setup a firewall. The first few times I had to install Arch I did it by following the Simple stateful firewall guide on the wiki. Although this is simple enough, it's pretty painful manually specifying all the rules so instead it is preferable to use ufw. It simplifies the process of specifying rules and has the added benefit of already containing 'profiles' for common applications like ssh and syncthing. To see the available app profiles use sudo ufw app list then you can use sudo ufw allow syncthing to enable the rules for the corresponding app.

2. Ranking Mirrors and Merging Changes To System Files

One of the tasks you have to do during installation is editing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist to enable a mirror where pacman looks for packages. Although it's generally true that the closer the mirror is to your physical location the faster it will be, this is not always the case. There's two approaches you can take to solving the problem, the first is using rankmirrors as described on the wiki or using reflector along with a pacman hook that runs whenever the mirrorlist is updated. For the second approach create a file mirrorupgrade.hook in /etc/pacman.d/hooks/

Operation = Upgrade
Type = Package
Target = pacman-mirrorlist

Description = Updating pacman-mirrorlist with reflector and removing pacnew...
When = PostTransaction
Depends = reflector
Exec = /bin/sh -c "reflector --latest 200 --age 24 --score 10 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist; rm -f /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew"

With this anytime that pacman-mirrorlist is upgraded the Exec line is run which uses reflector to find the 10 fastest mirrors out of the most recent 200 mirrors within the last 24 hours.

When a package is updated and a file from the updated package is different from the one on disk, the file from the packages is renamed with the .pacnew extension. This is to ensure that your changes are not overwritten during a upgrade. A message is printed during install informing you of this and you should find time to merge the changes. To make this easier I recommend installing meld and pacdiff which is part of pacman-contrib that also contains the previously mentioned rankmirrors. meld is a visual diff and merge tool that's pretty handy to use. To resolve .pacnew files run

env DIFFPROG=meld sudo -E pacdiff

DIFFPROG=meld ensures that meld is used to perform the diffing. You can use something else by changing the value of the variable e.g DIFFPROG=vimdiff. The -E flag ensures that sudo retains the environment. You can then proceed to compare and merge the normal and .pacnew files.

3. Improving makepkg Compile Times and Downloading PKGBUILDs

There are a couple of different ways to improve the performance of makepkg as outlined on the corresponding wiki page but the one I find easiest to set-up is adding ccache. ccache reduces the time spent on subsequent compiles after the first one. Installing is done with sudo pacman -Syu ccache and in order to enable it with makepkg you just need to add ccache to the BUILDENV array inside /etc/makepkg.conf. How much this helps depends a lot on what type of software you use but it's such a small addition that it's a shame not to use.

PKGBUILDs are how packages are built on Arch. If you've used the AUR you have probably had to open and inspect one but what if you want to find the PKGBUILD for an official package? You could look for it through the online site as you would with the AUR but that gets pretty tedious if you have to do it frequently. asp can be used instead to checkout the PKGBUILD used to build a package from the official Arch repo. For example to get the PKGBUILD for vim you'd use

asp export vim

4. Fixing Visual Bugs in Java Programs and Better Looking QT applications

When using some Window Managers such as bspwm you sometimes run into problems with Java based GUI applications like jdownloader or logisim. The application starts up fine but none of the widgets are rendered. To fix this issue you need to add _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 to the environment of the application. This can either be done by using env on the command-line, or creating a custom .desktop file i.e

# set environment on the command-line

# create a custom .desktop file

# copy system-wide desktop file
cp /usr/share/applications/logisim.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/

# replace the Exec line

# before

# after
Exec=env _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 /usr/bin/logisim

Alternatively modify the global environment by putting the variable assignment in /etc/environment.

When an application is built with QT it is possible to set the theme it uses similarly to how you can use a global GTK theme. To do this you need to install kvantum which is a theme engine for QT. To force a QT applications to use the theme specified in kvantum set QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum in the environment using any of the methods described previously.

5. Finding WM_NAME/WM_CLASS and Keycodes

It is sometimes necessary to know the WM_NAME or WM_CLASS for a particular application. Two examples of these cases is when defining windowing rules in bspwm or transparency rules in compton. To find these values you need to have installed xorg-xprop. You can then run xprop in a terminal and click the window in question and the values for WM_NAME and WM_CLASS should be among the printed output.

When you need to know the keycode or button number for a particular key on your keyboard or button on your mouse then you need xev. It's part of the xorg-xev package. When run it launches a window and pressing a key or clicking a button with the window in focus prints out the key's/button's info. You can further limit the events to mouse or keyboard events only using the -event flag e.g

xev -event mouse

# left clicking in the opened window yields the output

ButtonPress event, serial 25, synthetic NO, window 0x3400001,
    root 0x1a1, subw 0x0, time 106783914, (434,395), root:(1402,436),
    state 0x0, button 1, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 25, synthetic NO, window 0x3400001,
    root 0x1a1, subw 0x0, time 106783939, (434,395), root:(1402,436),
    state 0x100, button 1, same_screen YES

As you can see the left-click mouse button is button 1.

At the end of the day Arch is meant to be tweaked to your heart's content so the more time you invest, the closer to your ideal system you get. Happy Hacking!