Web Scraping on the Shell

Apr 22, 2024

Often times there's data on the internet we'd like to get our hands on. In most cases I'd start on a Python script with the usual suspects requests, beautifulsoup4, json or csv. This works well but when the task in question only needs to be run once, it would be a lot easier to run a few commands on the shell.

Although writing a Python script is simple enough, we don't have to worry about dependencies or learning a new tool when working with bash. If you do need to learn a new tool documentation is easily accessible with man.

Making Web Requests with curl and shot-scraper

cURL is as useful as it is ubiquitous meaning there's a very good chance it's already present on your system. Using it is also simple enough curl https://example.com fetches a page and prints the result to standard output. Here's a few other useful arguments:

  • -o, --output path/to/file for saving the result of the request to a specific file. You can just as easily use redirection.
  • -L, --location which tells curl to make a request to the new location if the server reports that the page has moved with a 3XX response.
  • -H, --header 'User-Agent: yes-please/2000' for providing additional headers to include in the request.
  • -f, --fail useful in scripts since it tells curl to produce no output on server errors.

curl obviously supports a lot more arguments but I've found that the few above alongside the default behaviour is sufficient for most cases.

shot-scraper is a great tool that offers a lot of flexibility in handling websites. The original purpose I believe was to simplify taking screenshots of webpages but it is capable of a lot more. It uses playwright to open the URL in a headless browser. The first point of interest is the javascript sub-command which allows you to directly extract parts of a page on the command-line.

shot-scraper javascript 'https://example.com' 'document.title'
"Example Domain"

The sub-command also supports passing a JavaScript file which you can go crazy with.

I normally use it to download pages that do not immediately have all the content available after the page loads. The --wait argument tells shot-scraper to delay a number of milliseconds before proceeding with further processing.

shot-scraper html --wait 2000 'https://example.com'\
    --output /path/to/file

There's also a --wait-for argument that allows you to wait until a specific JavaScript expression returns true.

shot-scraper https://.../ \
  --wait-for 'document.querySelector("div#content")'

Extracting Data From HTML with pup

Working with text on the command-line is often done with tools such as grep, cut and awk. This approach would be ill-advised for HTML text which is a structured format and contains a lot of extra text surrounding what is relevant. Being a structured format is however beneficial since we can rely on the shape of the document to find exactly what we're looking for.

Enter pup which allows you to filter parts of a HTML document using CSS Selectors which should be familiar to anyone who's ever had to style a web page. Here's an example of finding the links to the latest articles published on this website.

curl -s https://julius383.github.io/ | pup 'a.title attr{href}'

The full list of supported selectors can be found on the GitHub page. I didn't run into compatibility issues and you could copy the CSS selector for a part of a page directly from your browser as-is.

Another useful feature of pup is the functions such as attr{href} above which is used to get the value of a particular tag's attribute. There's also a text{} function which does what you'd expect and the json{} function which prints HTML as JSON.

Wrangling Data with fx and jq

Data wrangling on the shell is really a topic that deserves it's own article (coming soon) so I'll only go over some simple stuff for now. Probably the most useful tool is jq, a command-line JSON processor. Although the syntax can take some getting used to, it is still pretty useful overall.

Let's say you just got a JSON file from somewhere, you first need to understand the schema. You can print out the JSON file on the terminal with cat, but for nicer output use:

curl https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/ditto -o ditto.json
jq '.' ditto.json | less    # or
python -m json.tool < ditto.json | less

Even better is using fx a terminal JSON viewer. It allows you to collapse objects and arrays, copy keys and values and has syntax highlighting.

After getting a general overview of the JSON we can start trying to get a deeper understanding of the structure. A simple way to do this is with the keys function in jq which just returns an array of the keys present in an object.

jq 'keys' ditto.json

If you instead want to find the keys present for all objects in an array:

jq '.stats | map(keys) | add | unique | sort' ditto.json

Accessing a field is done using .fieldname, you can use map to access a field of objects in an array.

jq '.stats | map([.stat.name, .base_stat])' ditto.json

jnv provides a more interactive jq experience, however you can achieve a similar result with fzf using a trick I first saw mentioned on this website.

echo '' | fzf --preview="jq --color-output {q} ditto.json" \
    --preview-window=70% --print-query --query='.'

Wrapping Up

The benefit of doing any task in a shell environment is the easy access to plenty of well-written, well-documented and useful tools. With that said something like Python or Clojure is a lot less painful for writing robust tools that will see more extensive usage. The key is knowing when to make the switch. Hopefully this article has helped push the boundary in favour of using the shell more.

Further Reading

  • My article about Data Flow on the Shell would be useful for anyone interested in tips for processing data with shell tools.
  • Another very useful command is sponge from the moreutils package which allows you to make changes to a file in-place e.g jq '.' ditto.json | sponge ditto.json pretty prints JSON from a file and writes it back into the same file.