Genetic algorithms try to replicate the mechanisms of biological evolution to solve problems. In this article we'll use a somewhat useless example problem to demonstrate how to design and implement a genetic algorithm in Julia which I have been trying to learn recently.
Taking the example of the expression 4 * 9 / 2 + 5 - 3
, we would normally
want to get the result of evaluating this expression. However, for our purposes
it is much more interesting to start off with a result and try and find an
expression that returns that result when evaluated. So for our example
we'd start with 20 then try and find an expression such as 4 * 5
Before we can jump into writing code, it may be useful to understand at least some of the underlying ideas behind the functioning of genetic algorithms key of which is evolution. It is described on WikiPedia as:
the change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. Evolution occurs when evolutionary processes such as natural selection and genetic drift act on genetic variation, resulting in certain characteristics becoming more or less common within a population over successive generations.
In general the more beneficial a certain trait is for survival, the more likely it is to for organisms carrying it to survive long enough to pass on their genes. This leads to the trait becoming more common in a population during successive generations. This process is natural selection which was the primary inspiration for genetic algorithms.
Genetic algorithms are commonly used on problems where finding solutions through more direct means is too resource intensive to be feasible, for example scheduling. They typically have a few key steps:
Each of the first 3 steps can vary in many different ways and how exactly you do each could influence the performance of the final algorithm as a whole. I'll try and keep things simple but I'll try to point out places where you could change things up for anyone interested in exploring alternate approaches.
There's a lot more involved in genetic algorithms than just 4 steps. The first thing we have to do is phrase our problem adequately. We need to figure out what constitutes a population and how are traits in each member represented so they can be "passed on". Keep in mind what we're trying to do with the genetic algorithm is evolve the population until one of the members fit the solution we are trying to find.
In this case a population would be a bunch of arithmetic expressions so it would
have members like 3 + 7 * 4
, 9 / 1 - 4
, 8
etc. More concretely an
expression would contain any number from 0 to 9 and the operators *
, /
and -
. There's the additional constraint that an expression can only be 9
terms long which is enough for each of the 4 operators to be used once. This
constraint is mostly just for simplicity's sake so there's no reason you couldn't
allow for longer expressions. Expressions are in the form of a single number
optionally followed by groups of operand and operator i.e
We'll take the entire expression as a chromosome and split each term into
individual genes. With a total of 14 possible options for each gene we need
at least 4 bits (ceil(log2(14)) = 4
) to uniquely represent each gene.
With 9 genes per expression that works out to 36 bits total.
In our implementation we'll use a 64bit unsigned integer which can hold a chromosome with room to spare. It is less likely that real world problems would require so few bits so bit arrays are commonly used instead of integers since they also support the bitwise operators necessary for crossover and mutation operations but can be larger.
To make our lives easier and also because Julia has great support for working in arrays, we'll have two alternate representations for expressions:
Let's define these two representations along with methods to convert between them.
const GENE_SIZE = 4
Expression = Vector{UInt64} # unsigned integer technically only needs to be 4 bits
EncodedExpression = UInt64
expression_chars =
['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '-', '*', '/']
function encode(expression::Expression)::EncodedExpression
res = EncodedExpression(0)
for i in expression
res <<= GENE_SIZE
res |= i
return res
function decode(expression::EncodedExpression)::Expression
expr = []
expr_mask = (1 << GENE_SIZE) - 1
v = expression & expr_mask
pushfirst!(expr, v)
expression >>= GENE_SIZE
return expr
Base.convert(::Type{EncodedExpression}, x::Expression) =
Base.convert(::Type{Expression}, x::EncodedExpression) =
The encode
functions takes a vector of genes (Expression
) and crams
them all into a single unsigned 64bit integer (EncodedExpression
does the reverse and extracts every 4 bits from said integer back
into a vector. A Vector in Julia is a one-dimensional array.
We define also add methods to Base.convert
to make translating between the
two representations easier. Instead of needing to keep track of whether to
call encode
or decode
, we can just call convert
with the type we want
and the value we want to convert.
Now that we have a data representation for expressions, it would be nice to have a nice way to create expressions.
function make(str::String)::Expression
e = []
# remove '=' and anything that follows
str = first(split(str, "="))
for i in str
if !(i in expression_chars)
push!(e, findfirst(isequal(i), expression_chars) - 1)
return e
make("1 + 2")
3-element Vector{UInt64}:
From the above code we can see that the value of each character in the
expression is equal to one less than it's index in the expression_chars
vector. This makes it easy to map between the programmatic and mathematical
representation of numbers. Based on this mapping we can check that numbers are
valid if they are between 0 and 9. Similarly operators are valid when they are
between 10 and 13. Let's write a function to check that an expression datatype
is correct.
isnumber(x) = x >= 0 && x <= 9
isoperator(x) = x >= 10 && x <= 13
function isvalid(expression::Expression)
nums = [expression[i] for i in (1:2:length(expression))]
ops = [expression[i] for i in (2:2:length(expression))]
return all(isnumber, nums) && all(isoperator, ops)
function isvalid(expression::EncodedExpression)
return isvalid(convert(Expression, expression))
It sometimes may be more convenient to define a function on Expression
but since we still want the function to work with
either type, we use convert
to first transform the argument before calling
the function we defined. I don't know if this is an anti-pattern but I found it
pretty cool and made figuring out the various functions a lot easier. For
subsequent functions I'll leave out definitions that just do a conversion but
they're still present in the complete code.
To create a start population we need to be able to generate random valid expressions.
function random_expression(; num_terms = nothing)::Expression
num_terms = isnothing(num_terms) ? rand(1:2:EXPRESSION_LENGTH) : num_terms
num_terms % 2 == 0 &&
num_terms <= EXPRESSION_LENGTH &&
error("num_terms must be odd number")
expression = []
for i in (1:num_terms)
if i % 2 != 0
push!(expression, rand(Vector(1:9)))
push!(expression, rand(Vector(10:13)))
return expression
I had initially set this function to always generate an expression of maximum length but decided to instead pick a random length. The thought process was that longer expressions had more active (non-empty) genes hence more genes for crossover and mutation. However, this meant that the overall population would be less diverse making it harder to arrive at a solution due to the population being too similar.
Next is a function that shows a human-readable representation of expressions.
function showexpression(expression::Expression)
if isempty(expression)
return "empty expression"
return join([expression_chars[i+1] for i in expression], " ")
function showexpression(expression::EncodedExpression)
return showexpression(convert(Expression, expression), show_result)
showexpression(random_expression(num_terms = 9))
"1 + 6 * 6 * 5 + 6"
Pretty simple thanks again to being able to treat expressions as vectors. Finally we can define the function to generate a random population.
createpopulation(population_size = 100)::Vector{EncodedExpression} = map(
Base.Fix1(convert, EncodedExpression),
[random_expression() for _ in (1:population_size)],
We call convert
through Base.Fix1
whose usage is explained in the
documentation as:
Fix1(f, x)
A type representing a partially-applied version of the two-argument function f, with the first argument fixed to the value "x". In other words,Fix1(f, x)
behaves similarly toy->f(x, y)
. See also Fix2.
To produce the next generation we need to pick two "parents" from the current generation's population according to their fitness. How do we do this? Well, first we need to figure out how close a particular solution is to our desired result. Since we're looking for an expression that evaluates to a particular value, we need to first be able to evaluate expressions. Before we do this though we need to take a little detour.
Over the course of our program, we are likely to have expressions that are not
strictly well-formed. However, instead of discarding the entire expression once
is false
, it would be better if we could try and process the
expression into a valid one whenever possible. This means that an expression like
1 + + 5 * 8 3 / 4
which is invalid would be turned into 1 + 5 * 8 / 4
which is well-formed according to our previous rules.
To do this we need to check:
We do this using isnumber
and isoperator
defined previously together with a
boolean flag that keeps track of whether we should expect a number next to
build a new expression.
function clean(expression::Expression)::Expression
if isvalid(expression) || isempty(expression)
return expression
expression = copy(expression)
num = true
result = []
for i in expression
if isnumber(i) && num
push!(result, i)
num = !num
elseif isoperator(i) && !num
push!(result, i)
num = !num
if num
return result
showexpression(clean(make("1 + + 5 -")))
"1 + 5"
Since we're working with arrays we use copy
just so we don't end up mutating
the original argument which may be needed unmodified outside our function.
Using clean
we can make our evaluation function much simpler since we don't need to
include extra error handling for malformed expressions. Keep in mind that we
evaluate expressions in left to right order with all operators having equal
function evaluate(expression::Expression)
expression = clean(expression)
result = Float64(popfirst!(expression))
while !isempty(expression)
o = popfirst!(expression)
l = popfirst!(expression)
if '*' == expression_chars[o+1]
result *= l
elseif '/' == expression_chars[o+1]
result /= l
elseif '+' == expression_chars[o+1]
result += l
elseif '-' == expression_chars[o+1]
result -= l
return result
function evaluate(expression::EncodedExpression)
return evaluate(convert(Expression, expression))
evaluate(make("1 + 5"))
For a fitness function we need the output to be larger the input is to our target value.
function fitness_score(expression, target)
if isempty(expression) || iszero(expression)
return 0
return 1 / abs(target - evaluate(expression))
fitness_score(make("2 * 8"), 10)
The right fitness function is dependent on what type of problem you're trying to solve and even for our specific example there may be a better one. Try and figure out a better one if you can and let me know in the comments.
We don't need to worry about divide by zero errors in Julia but we'd need to check for this is we were using Python for instance. This works out nicely since the fitness score for an expression matching our target is Infinity.
To actually select candidates for producing the next generation we need to use fitness proportionate selection aka roulette wheel selection. This function is is defined as
$$p_ = \frac{f_}{\sum_^f_}$$
In simple terms this means that the probability of selecting a particular member
of the population $i$ is equal to it's fitness divided by the sum of all the
fitness scores for the entire population. Translating this to Julia can be
done easily by using the sample
function from the StatsBase.jl package
which allows random selection based on provided probability weights.
using StatsBase: sample, Weights
function roulette_wheel(fitness, population, size = 2)
weights = fitness / sum(fitness)
return sample(population, Weights(weights), size, replace = false)
is an array containing the fitness scores of the members in
in the same order. (fitness = fitness_score.(population)
tells sample
how many randomly selected items we want which saves us
the effort of calling this function twice to find each 'parent'. We also pass
replace = false
to make sure that we do not return the same members of the
population for our selection.
Up-to this point other than the data representation there's not much
resemblance to natural selection in biology. We could a write a function go
function go(N = 100, n = 50, t = 20)
population = create_population(N)
fitness = fitness_score.(population, t)
while !(Inf in fitness)
fittestn = roulette_wheel(fitness, population, n)
population = vcat(fittestn, create_population(N - n))
fitness = fitness_score.(population, t)
return findfirst(isinf, population)
Although we could in theory find a solution this way, whether or not this function returns in a reasonable time is impossible to tell. Crossovers and mutations help improve our chances of finding a solution in a reasonable time frame by mimicking nature.
There are other genetic operators as well as different variations for crossover and mutation but we'll keep things simple for now. Here's crossover:
const CROSSOVER_RATE = Float64(0.5)
function crossover(
rate::Float64 = CROSSOVER_RATE,
if rand(Float64) <= rate
e1 = copy(e1)
e2 = copy(e2)
position = rand(1:CHROMOSOME_SIZE-1)
mask = EncodedExpression(0)
for i = 0:position
mask |= (EncodedExpression(1) << i)
complement = ~mask
c1_bits = e1 & mask
c2_bits = e2 & mask
r1 = e1 & complement
r2 = e2 & complement
r1 |= c2_bits
r2 |= c1_bits
return (r1, r2)
return (e1, e2)
Both crossover and mutation are only performed according to some predefined rate. There isn't really a 'correct' value for these rates so you'd probably have to try different values and find what works for your particular problem or even just for this one.
Crossover swaps bits by creating a mask and extracting the bits in the
required positions for each number before OR
ing them in swapped order.
const MUTATION_RATE = Float64(0.01)
function mutate(expression::EncodedExpression, rate::Float64 = MUTATION_RATE)
if rand(Float64) <= rate
expression = copy(expression)
position = rand(1:CHROMOSOME_SIZE)
mask = 1 << position
return xor(expression, mask)
return expression
Mutation also involves creating a mask, but this time we simply XOR
chromosome with the mask to flip a bit at a randomly selected position. Since
both these functions operate on bits let's make a function to show expressions
as bit strings grouped into individual genes.
asbitstring(expression::EncodedExpression) =
string(expression, base = 2, pad = CHROMOSOME_SIZE)
function showencoding(expression::EncodedExpression)
bitstr = asbitstring(expression)
n = length(bitstr)
formatted_bitstr = String[]
for i = 1:GENE_SIZE:n
push!(formatted_bitstr, bitstr[i:min(i + (GENE_SIZE - 1), n)])
return join(formatted_bitstr, ' ')
"0111 1100 0110 1010 1000 1101 0011 1011 0110"
We now have all the essential parts for making our genetic algorithm work but there's two more things we can add to improve the UX of our program. The first is a progress meter so we can keep track of how our things are going, and also some way to store the results of each run. The latter especially is important if we want to asses how different variations affect the performance of our program.
For progress ProgressMeter.jl is trivial to use and has a bunch of useful features. For saving data I'm partial to SQLite mostly because Python - which is the language I use most - supports it in the stdlib but also because it is file based which simplifies using SQL a lot. The SQLite.jl package is necessary to use SQLite in Julia.
As an aside anyone with a good recommendation for a file-based document database leave it in the comments please.
The statistics we want to collect are:
Most of these map easily to SQL datatypes except the population which is a
vector of expressions. For this field the simplest option was to use the
type in SQLite. We also use showexpression
to get the human-readable
version of each expression just so the database file is less tightly coupled to
the expression datatype we choose.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS experiment_stats (
population_size INTEGER NOT NULL,
max_generations INTEGER NOT NULL,
generations_run INTEGER NOT NULL,
crossovers INTEGER NOT NULL,
solution TEXT,
population JSON NOT NULL,
After defining the table required to store statistics we can write a function for storing them.
using SQLite;
using JSON;
db = SQLite.DB("data.db")
function savestats(stats)
stats[:population] = JSON.json(map(showexpression, stats[:population]))
stmt = DBInterface.prepare(
INSERT INTO experiment_stats (
res = DBInterface.execute(stmt, stats)
return res
is a Dict
with the keys :target
, :population_size
, :max_generations
, :mutations
, :crossovers
, :solution
and :population
Last but not least we define the function that puts everything together into the genetic algorithm.
using ProgressMeter;
function ga(;
target = 20.0,
population_size = 1000,
max_generations = 500,
show_progress = true,
save_results = true
population = createpopulation(population_size)
fitness = fitness_score.(population, target)
stats = Dict{Symbol,Union{Nothing,Real,String,Vector{UInt64}}}(
:target => target,
:population_size => length(population),
:max_generations => max_generations,
:generations_run => 1,
:mutations => 0,
:crossovers => 0,
:solution => nothing,
:population => nothing,
prog = ProgressUnknown(
"Searching for solution to $(target):",
spinner = true,
enabled = show_progress,
# check if solution already exists in population and exit early
if Inf in fitness
e = population[findfirst(isinf, fitness)]
println("found solution for $(target): ", showexpression(e))
stats[:solution] = showexpression(e)
stats[:population] = population
save_results && savestats(stats)
return stats[:solution]
for g in (1:max_generations)
for _ in (1:population_size)!(
showvalues = [
(:generations_run, stats[:generations_run]),
(:mutations, stats[:mutations]),
(:crossovers, stats[:crossovers]),
p1, p2 = roulette_wheel(fitness, population, 2)
e1, e2 = crossover(p1, p2)
e1, e2 = mutate(e1), mutate(e2)
f1, f2 = fitness_score(e1, target), fitness_score(e2, target)
if isnan(f1) || isnan(f2)
stats[:crossovers] += e1 == p1 ? 0 : 1
stats[:mutations] += e1 == p1 ? 0 : 1
stats[:mutations] += e2 == p2 ? 0 : 1
# check if either offspring is solution
for e in [e1, e2]
if isinf(fitness_score(e, target))
e = clean(e)
println("found solution for $(target): ", showexpression(e))
stats[:solution] = showexpression(e)
stats[:population] = population
save_results && savestats(stats)
# replace least fit members with new offspring with better fitness
least_fit = argmin(fitness)
population[least_fit] = f1 < f2 ? e1 : e2
fitness[least_fit] = f1 < f2 ? f1 : f2
stats[:generations_run] = g
stats[:population] = population
save_result && savestats(stats)
ga(;target = 30, population_size=1000, max_generations=100, save_results = false)
found solution for 30: 2 * 3 * 5 * 9 / 9
"2 * 3 * 5 * 9 / 9"
Looks pretty cluttered. If we ignore all the parts that are not necessary for the genetic algorithm we get:
function ga(; target = 20.0, population_size = 1000, max_generations = 500)
population = createpopulation(population_size)
fitness = fitness_score.(population, target)
# check if solution already exists in population and exit early
if Inf in fitness
e = clean(population[findfirst(isinf, fitness)])
println("found solution for $(target): ", showexpression(e))
return e
for g in (1:max_generations)
for _ in (1:population_size)
p1, p2 = roulette_wheel(fitness, population, 2)
e1, e2 = crossover(p1, p2)
e1, e2 = mutate(e1), mutate(e2)
f1, f2 = fitness_score(e1, target), fitness_score(e2, target)
if isnan(f1) || isnan(f2)
# check if either offspring is solution
for e in [e1, e2]
if isinf(fitness_score(e, target))
e = clean(e)
println("found solution for $(target): ", showexpression(e))
return e
# replace least fit members with new offspring with better fitness
least_fit = argmin(fitness)
population[least_fit] = f1 < f2 ? e1 : e2
fitness[least_fit] = f1 < f2 ? f1 : f2
All that's left is to try out our example with a few examples and see how
it does. From my exploration, with the default arguments to ga
we were unable
to find a solution for numbers greater than 5000 more than 10% of the time. For
numbers lower than 5000 the percentage was a considerably higher. That closes
out our exploration of genetic algorithms.